
I’m addicted to fountain pens. There, I’ve said it. What more do you need to know? I’m based in the UK, I’m left-handed, and one of my new year resolutions for 2017 was to give something back to this hobby — and so this blog was born.

In the past few years I’ve begged, borrowed, bought or stolen more than 60 pens and 100 inks. Not to mention an obscene number of hours spent on the internet reading blogs and forum posts. I hope I’ve accumulated enough experience to make my posts worth reading.

My manifesto is pretty simple. I review the pens, inks, paper and accessories I have bought and used. I’ll share some tips and resources I’ve found, including my favourite stores. And I may subject you to some musings about my personal journey from newbie to old hand.

Why the boring blog name? Three reasons. First, all the good ones were taken. Second, I knew that if I started brainstorming names I’d never get round to writing any posts. Third, I like the Ronseal approach to naming: UK Fountain Pens is a UK-based blog that’s primarily about fountain pens. Can’t say fairer than that.

Want to know more about me, Anthony? Check me out on Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.